Monday, May 3, 2010

Mint Condition - Look! A guest comic!

Mint Condition on AD - Meet the new Masters of the Universe character! Sort of...

I'd like to preface this news post with an apology for updating so late in the day. Please read on to see just what the hell happened to me.

So if you couldn't tell, today's comic is not done by me. No, it's actually done by Camille Van Neste, who runs her own webcomic Of Something and Nothing in Particular. If you like the art in today's guest comic, you'll like her comic as well. And you can check out some of her art over on the site Elfworld, a website dedicated to sci-fi and fantasy based art. Oh, and just a heads up, she also did the comic for this Thursday as well. Today's comic and Thursday's kinda go together, just so you know. She sent me these a while ago when I first announced that I needed guest comics and I just had them sitting there for a rainy day.

Well, when it rains it pours. I sincerely apologize to all my readers out there. I really don't know what happened to me this past week. I wasn't that busy, so I don't know what happened. I started working on what would be today's comic YESTERDAY because I realized that I didn't have anything for today's update. Needless to say, I did not get it done. Then I fell asleep at my work desk and when I woke up HOLY CRAP I DIDN'T UPDATE. So yeah, I panicked. Luckily, the Camille was at my rescue and I remembered the guest comics she sent me a while back. Thank you Camille, you are a life saver.

So suffice it to say I am going to spend this week seriously getting my shit together. I'm really disappointed in myself and I have no idea how I let myself get this far behind, but since I don't have the pressure of updating the comic this week I can spend that time belting out the book, the new site, and possibly working on a buffer for the comic so this sort of thing won't happen again. I can't promise I'll completely finish the book and the site in just this one week, but I can get as close as possible. So I will.

I hope you all accept my apology for getting behind, and enjoy these two great guest comics and understand the situation I'm in right now. And know that I will fix it and, as I so eloquently put it earlier in the post, get my shit together. Until Thursday.


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