Monday, April 5, 2010

Mint Condition - Settling in to a new home.

Mint Condition on AD - Why buying doubles of action figures is a good idea.

I think I drew those doors backwards...pretty sure the knobs are supposed to go on the other side...I don't know how that happened. Well anyway, yeah they're living in a new house. I figured this would be fitting since before it was never really explained whether or not all the characters lived in the same house. Situation - consider yourself explained. I'd also like to point out that if my friends ever did this in real life i would END THEM with the white hot fury of a thousand burning suns. Does that say something about me? Oh, and yeah Jeremy got a haircut. Two slight character design changes??? I guess I'm a maverick.

In book news, I seem to be doing very well juggling everything. I'm managing to stay ahead with the comics and still pump out pages for the book, which is going awesome by the way. I'm managed to pump out 40 pages last week. The whole thing would have been done by now if when I started Mint Condition I had the foresight to save the high resolution PDFs of all the comics. However, I was working on an inferior computer then (seriously, I'm talking Windows 98'!) so I basically didn't have the room and I didn't think about it to honest. Now I'm kicking myself...but I am remastering them, as it were. I mentioned this before, and for those of you who don't follow me on Twitter, I said that with the remastering process I'm not only making sure all the dialogue and sound effects are high res, in some cases I'm also changing the sound effects used in the original comic to better get across my original intention. I wasn't as skilled with Photoshop then as I am now, and my font library wasn't nearly as extensive as it now, so I'm able to get the point across a lot better. Here is an example of the remastering process:

As you can see, the sound effects and the burst effects around the words are a lot crisper and look better than before. And in the case of this comic I'm making the dialogue and speech bubbles bigger, since it is a little hard to read, and there's so much negative space in that comic to utilize! What was I thinking? All of this is hopefully something that makes the book a little more special to those who buy it.

Ok, now I gotta get back to working on this book. Well, after the funeral that is. Sarah's uncle died last Wednesday and we'll be driving 3 hours away in Oklahoma to attend the funeral. If you wish, you can offer your condolences here in the comments or over on the forums. Until Thursday.


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