Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mint Condition - Hey look, a black guy!

Mint Condition on AD - It's good to have your priorities in order.

I'd like to apologize in advance if any of the following news post sounds like gibberish, because I'm typing it as I'm getting over being sick. So were warned. In addition to the comic, the book, and the new site, I've started balancing something else to this juggling act of horror: a social life. My friends would gladly attest to my absence as of late with all the work I have to do. Sure I see them every now and again, but I certainly don't go out as much as I used to. I've recently been trying to remedy that, mostly because I'm starting to get serious cabin fever, and because getting some fresh air every once and a while is a good thing. Although I don't know how that would work around my friends since most of them smoke...anyway...

So what does this mean for you and why should you care? Well, because in addition to the comic every Monday and Thursday, me hanging out with my friends more could mean funny stories for me to tell right here in the news section. Plus, every time I go out with them, I end up with about a month's worth of material for the comic so that's always good. For instance, this past Wednesday I went out with everyone to Denny's, when, unbeknownst to Nathan and I, Jacqi took this photo and uploaded it to her facebook account in a matter of seconds. So, see? There you go. Added some humor to your day. Oh, and speaking of segues, I have something of a Facebook account myself. I've actually had it for years, but never used it until about a week ago. I'm slowly but surely making it not look like a random spambot account. If you have a mind to, feel free to add me. For fun. And just a quick update on the book: Soon! Almost done! It will be! Not just an update, but also a fun word jumble! Have at it. As I near the completion of the book I will put up preorders and whatnot for special signed copies with sketches inside. I don't want to put it up yet though, but you'll know that when you see it it will be finished.

Until Thursday.


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