Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's funny, because John Edward sucks.

Actually it's funny because John Edward is really coming to Dallas this month. It should be no surprise to anyone who's talked to me for more than 5 minutes that I view John Edward and everything he does as complete bullshit. Psychic readings, spiritual mediums...yeah. Bullshit. I'm always open to the idea of such things existing in this world, but John Edward is none of these things. He's an opportunist and a con artist and really just does more damage than good. He thinks he's giving these people some sense of hope, but it's false hope, and he's twisting their views of their deceased loved ones. Plus, false hope is bad, even if it's the only hope someone has. At least, that's my opinion.

So how will I be expressing my very intense beliefs, views, and criticisms on the world of so-called psychic mediums? Well, read today's comic and you're pretty much got the theme of this storyline. What can I say? My job is to make you laugh first, and think second. And sometimes the second part isn't integral to the process. Basically have fun with this one guys. Every time I do a big storyline, I like to follow it up with something simple and fun to let my brain rest.

I'd like to give a thanks to everyone who has offered their condolences in some form or another to Sarah for the loss of her uncle. It means a lot. And one more thing. Apparently Oklahoma pretty much sucks except for one aspect. They are home to, The Action Figure Museum. Yes...a museum...for action figures. We tried to swing by there on the way back to Texas, but they were closed. They're only closed on Mondays. GODDAMNIT. Yeah that sucked, but I'm totally going to go back out there one of these days with all my friends because really that's just a geek Mecca for us. Seriously, look at that 360 view and tell me you didn't cream a little. Well, unless you're not an action figure fan. I guess people who don't like action figures exist...right? Or are they an urban legend, like the outdoors? I'm not sure.

Anyway, I don't have anything else to talk about today, really. I have to wake up in 4 hours so I'm going to go to bed now. Until Monday everybody.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the two kick ass panels...using the same one gives it a nice touch. you should randomly incorporate those into future comics. that'd be cool.

April 8, 2010 at 8:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks! Yeah, I thought it would be funny if they were in the exact same pose.

April 8, 2010 at 4:59 PM  

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