Monday, March 1, 2010

Mint Condition - The name of the font I used for the punching sound effect is aptly named "Whoop-Ass".

Mint Condition on AD - Toy collector's growing up

First off let me say I'm sorry for the really late news update. I haven't been late on one of these in a very long time so it feels weird. And I am sorry. I've just been so overworked for the past couple of days. I've only been getting 5 hours of sleep MAX for the last couple of nights and yesterday it really hit me. I feel asleep very early and just stayed in bed until about 12 today. So I guess I caught up on my sleep, but it just cost me getting my work done on time. Hopefully this won't happen again, but if it does then just kick my ass until I get it done.

Alright, moving on. In regards to the upcoming guest week, I've gotten many comments about interested parties, but no comics as of yet. If you're out there and want to show off your skills and show your support for Mint Condition get cracking! There's 7 spots open for a full week of guest comic goodness. I look forward to seeing what you all can do.

As for The Get Mint Condition its own Domain and Site Hosting donation, it's going very well. I've got almost $100 in donations already thanks in large part to @Batdude247 on Twitter for donating $60 dollars already. This is huge to me and means so much. Whenever you read this Batdude247 (I believe this was the name his parents actually gave him and they had 246 previous kids with the same name) thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me. Considering I would have been ecstatic over a $2.00 donation or hell even a $0.50 donation this is amazing. At this rate Mint Condition will be out on its own in no time. Soon Mint Condition will be independent of its ComicGenesis parents. I can smell the freedom already.

It should be noted that I will also be using some of my own money (whatever I can anyway) whenever it gets close to $160 so that way I can end the donations early and at the same time have my own site earlier as well. Very excited.

I also want to give a shoutout to my friend Dim McRemnant's new site Dim McRemnant Designs. You may know him as the man behind The McRemnant Report, but he's since moved on from the world of Webcomics to enter the world of Web Page Design. He just recently got his new site up and it's still under construction but you can go check it out! He offers his skills as an internet wizard at designing web pages, banners, logos, you name it. So if you're wanting a nifty looking site of your own but don't want to go through the hassle of designing everything yourself, email him and he'll set everything up. Since his site is new he's even offering a 30% discount on everything so take advantage of it!

Well that's it for now. Hope you're enjoying the weird trip John is taking and again I apologize for the late news update. Until Thursday (not Thursday afternoon).


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