Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mint Condition - Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Mint Condition on AD - It may be an addiction, but at least toys are cheaper than drugs.

If you couldn't tell by today's comic we've returned to the normal story here in Mint Condition. We have John, back from his training, but what's this??? Missing friends, someone else living in his house???? Geez, I just love throwing those curve balls, don't I? I think it's safe to say John is about to learn the hard way about major life changes. I'm thinking of taking on day out of this week and just doing the SHIT out of this book, and taking another day out of the week and doing the SHIT out of the new site. What do you guys think? Thoughts? Opinions? It's a lot harder than it sounds, (really, who can dedicate an entire day to one task?)however that doesn't make it impossible. I'm currently finished with all my custom action figure commissions, and thanks to Dim I'm ahead on the comic (yay, buffer!) so I think now is as good a time as any.

I also wanted to go ahead and make an announcement about something regarding the new site. The store as you all currently know it, will be no more. Cafepress is severely holding me back and I think I'm just going to get rid my account on there. One thing about ComicGenesis is that you can't really have a store the way other Webcomics do where they have everything made themselves and whatnot. It's not specifically stated in the rules anywhere, but it has been mentioned a lot that if you're on ComicGenesis the most you can have is a store on Cafepress. Meaning, it has to be offered on some external site. So now that I have my own site I'm going to do things much differently, such as having a store full of items I have made myself. More on this as it develops (what am I, a news anchor?), but suffice it to say the word "preorder" will come up a lot in the future. It's the only way I'll be able to have stuff made. So that will certainly be a fun experience. Join me, won't you?

And speaking of joining me, please come back Thursday for another comic and some answers to some questions. Well, more like the answer to one question: What the hell is going on??? Until then.


Anonymous the__silverfox said...

That new store sounds intresting. Specially if you would be able to connect it to paypal.
Then it would be easy to place orders and also feel safe about payment.

March 30, 2010 at 4:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow that's a great response. Well I guess that settles it then.

Looks like I'm going to have my plate even more full than I have it now. :D


March 31, 2010 at 2:17 AM  

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