Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mint Condition - Anyone who says they saw this coming is a liar.

Mint Condition on AD - It's an addiction, really.

You know I just realized that for a story arc that's mostly about John's absence, he sure has been in this a lot...and now two of them? Why yes Freud, I can spell narcissism.

So as many of you know, or may have discovered, I update my News through Blogger. Well, I just got some bad news...apparently, as of May 1st 2010 Blogger will no longer update via FTP, which is exactly how I update this news. That means all the files are linked directly to this site as opposed to being linked to Blogger. So...I'm in a situation. I gotta figure something out. I might just be able to go back to the old way, but it will take some time to get it right. Or I might just end up choosing another way to update the news altogether. I'll have to anyway when I have my own domain. And I'm sure I'll have everything ready before May, but in the off chance that I don't, this could serve to be problem. Hopefully I can resolve it soon.

Speaking of that, I'm going to have to find a completely new way to update the entire site. I just realized, I won't be able to use ComicGenesis's update script on some other'll have to figure that out too. Maybe Comicpress? Perhaps PhP? That all sounds good, but I have no idea how to use either, and I'm not Comicpress's biggest fan simply because every site I've seen that uses it looks exactly the same and it's pretty bland. Again, I'll figure something else out but it will definitely require time. And most likely a complete site overhaul, which is actually great because something as grandiose as having moving from ComicGenesis to my own domain calls for having a new site design. I'm very excited about all of it.

Soon everyone. Soon...awesome things will happen. Oh, and I still need guest comics! Send in your own for a chance to have it displayed right here! Not only that, but it would remain a permanent comic in the archive. Alright, that's it for now. Until Thursday.


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