Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Devil Knows My Hand, Part 3.

So here Dim gives us his final installment of his storyline for Clark Parker, everybody's favorite clown P.I. I really love the simplicity of the story. It's your basic kidnapping plot, but with the added twist of Clark Parker. The first comic has us (or me at least) believe that the ace of spades card found beside the dead body was the killer's calling card, when we get to the last one we realize it was a bunch of thugs in a poker game. We also don't know why the little girl was kidnapped. For ransom? Not likely since they murdered her father. Unless the mother has all the money and the father got in the way? Perhaps she was kidnapped for Human trafficking? Possibly. Who knows? That's what's great about the story. You can make your own interpretations from it and they could all be right. Dim wrote it specifically for that.

Perhaps one day he'll grace us with another guest comic someday because even though these didn't have punchlines they were still very well written. I hope you all enjoyed them as well, complete with the interludes.

At the same time though I hope you're excited as I am about getting back to the original storyline. Dim sure provided a great "season break" but it will feel great to get back into the swing of things. The regularly scheduled programming will proceed on Monday.

In other news, the new site is coming along. I gotta tell you, I'm starting to remember why I hated redoing the site the first time. It's a lot of work...but I'll get it done soon, because I don't want that new spiffy domain name to go to waste! More info on this as my procrastination permits. Same goes with the book. I definitely need to hire someone next time I do something like this, ha ha.

In toy news, it seems Mattell has won me over. I've succumbed to the current craze for the Masters of the Universe Classics figures. Thanks to the DC Universe Vs. Masters of the Universe 2 packs that recently showed up at Toys R' Us, they have won me over. Totally...much to the chagrin of my wallet. The price point certainly is a concern, being they are 20 bucks apiece plus almost 9 dollars for shipping, but damn they are nice. And that's saying something coming from a toy collector who usually doesn't like Mattell's products...that and I never really gave too much a crap about He-Man, but me an addict, I don't even care anymore. They're awesome figures, and balance perfectly between being a toy and being a collectible. I can't wait for more. So for the handful of my readers out there who care about my Plastic-filled Rants, there ya go.

Oh, and before I forget, if you could head on over to TopWebComics and give my comic a vote for today that would be great. The more I see votes from people the luckier I feel to have such great fans.

That's it for now. I don't have as much to say today as I do on Monday since we start the regular story back up then. You can expect plenty of rantings then. For now though, enjoy the wonderfully drawn comic courtesy of one of my closest friends, Dim McRemnant. Until Monday.


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