Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Give credit where credit's due.

I didn't really ever want to drudge the comic into "real world" scenarios like making the characters get jobs and actually explaining what they do, but it would help the story so I deemed it necessary and hopefully put an entertaining/funny twist to it as well. Seriously, you gotta love the sheer enjoyment on Jimmy's face.

Oh, and for those of you who are new or at least haven't been around very long, this is the storyline Dave is referring to in the third panel.

And here's a bit of news for all you people who keep up with my custom action figure work. I'm planning a HUGE update sometime between now and Monday. Possibly tomorrow. At any rate I'll make an announcement about it Monday. I haven't updated the customs page in MONTHS, however I have been cranking out customs left and right. Mostly to sell on eBay or as commissions that were of characters I've done before. Anyway, the other day I took photos of all the customs I've done for the past however many months and will be posting them on the customs page within a few days. So for those who care...enjoy!

Speaking of toys and customs, I was surprised today when I went into Walmart to buy some G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra figures to use as custom fodder and despite the price tags all saying $5.00 they rang up $2.75!!! Holy balls in a slingshot Batman! I totally went back and bought up a lot more figures for my collection, and for custom fodder. Unfortunately, Walmart still won't mark down the vehicles. But I'm still waiting... Oh, and I don't think this is something happening to every Walmart in the U.S., so for those who are interested and live in the are it's the Walmart on Marketplace Dr. and Northwest Highway in Garland, Texas. Fun times.

And now to finish this damned book! Now that I've filed my taxes for the year I have more time to devote to it. So yay. That's about it for today. Don't forget to join me over on Articulated Discussion this Sunday for another "AD Mint Condition". Apparently The Articulated One was so pleased with the first batch of comics that he ordered 4 more from me. Yay! Until then (and until Monday). Oh, and don't forget to vote!. Thanks.


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