Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mint Condition: They're really just his Garbage Pail Kids cards.

Mint Condition on Articulated Discussion: I like to think he does this sort of thing all the time.

Yep, it's really happening...Nathan is having another kid. At this point it's becoming a hobby...I'm not sure how I feel about doing a sort of story-within-a-story since this is taking place in "The Trek of John" (working title), but I think I better get used to should you. I'm kinda just going every which way for a while. Why? because it suits me. Hope you're enjoying the ride so far.

In other news, if you haven't noticed, there's a link to the second comic I've done being featured on Articulated Discussion. If you missed the first one, go here. In other really geeky toy news, I got a huge haul the other day at Kohl's of all places. They have their G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra products marked down by 70%, so I pciked up a couple of figure for about 3 bucks a piece (for customizing purposes) and I picked up a Cobra Gunship and an Ice Dagger for about 10 bucks each (original price was about 30 bucks) so I'm feeling very accomplished...someone let me know if they find a Rise of Cobra Pit playset on clearance anywhere. The lowest I've seen it is 65 bucks at Walmart. I'm hoping for lower to be quite honest... That's about it for today. Join us Thursday for another comic. Oh, and another thing happening this Thursday is I get to go see Eddie Izzard live!!! It was Sarah's anniversary present to me...I'm so excited. He's my favorite stand-up comedian. Ok, that's all. Until Thursday.


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