Sunday, December 20, 2009

The downside to having male friends.

So did you know it's hard to make a book? Seriously. I knew it would be a challenge, but Jezzass. There's different formats, and formats for the makes my brain hurt. And not in the good "Kevin Smith just made a bestiality joke" kind of way, but the bad "Oh God it's another Uwe Boll film" way. But it is being made.

So if you haven't already, mouse over the comic for today. Notice something? That's right...alt description. It's something I'm trying out. I'm using a different method for updating the comic. If you haven't noticed before, if you ever tried to directly link to a comic from my archive (i.e. the actual IMAGE) you can't. ComicGenesis has an anti-hotlinking policy for their images that are uploaded to the root directories of their servers. So I kinda hacked around it with some clever html and uploading the actual comic image into a different directory...long story short: You can link the comic images now. Plus...ALT DESCRIPTIONS!!! Wow...that was a mouthful. Anyone who doesn't know or care about how websites get made just had a coma reading that I'm sure...Oh and I'm really excited, because I have plans for the comic and this storyline (sort of continued from "The Artist's Worst Nightmare") is going somewhere BIG. Like...HUGE. I'm actually writing out scripts for the comics before drawing them. This is something I don't normally do. So you know it's big.

That's it for now everyone. Hope you're enjoying where the comic is going, and don't be afraid to post comments! I like to read stuff!!! Until Thursday.


Anonymous AniMajor said...

Loving the alt text idea... its always fun to have a bit of extra reading after you're done with the comic... ^_^ I like the direction of your comic, keep up the good work, you're aces in my book :P

December 22, 2009 at 12:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey thanks! The first comment in a while. Not sure where all the commenters have gone, haha.

I'm glad you like where the comic is going. It's kinda nice doing a (relatively) normal storyline, compared to all the crazy, totally unrealistic situations I always put my characters in.

December 23, 2009 at 2:40 AM  
Anonymous AniMajor said...

Well, I just stumbled along this comic, and I fell in love with it, so I'll be commenting on it rather regularly... Don't get me wrong, nearly omnipotent detective clowns and Zombie Conventions are totally awesome! However, its nice to see that they can have normal(ish) lives as well ;)

Merry Christmas John, I hope yours rocks your socks off ^_^

December 25, 2009 at 1:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey AniMajor sorry it took so long to reply. I didn't notice the other comment until now, haha.

Thanks. It means a lot to hear that someone laughs at my silly comics.

I like showing my characters in their normal lives, because for all intents and purposes they are normal people who happen to be thrown into extraordinary situations.

Oh, and my Christmas was great! Except for a few things (read the latest news post). I hope yours went well.

December 28, 2009 at 2:45 AM  

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