Monday, November 23, 2009

Yes Adam is wearing a beanie.

It's astounding how much this comic is actually about me...any of my friends can attest to the fact that pretty much all I do is sit around and draw. I don't like to go out too much, because I could miss out on some good drawing time. It's true. I mean I try to have a social life, but how can I go out when staying at home and trying out my new non-photo blue pencils is just so damned tempting?! Ok, on to serious stuff. Remember when I said I would have those prints up for sale? Yeah, I'm still working on that. up to date I've been using Cafe Press and other various outside websites to handle my merch, but the prints I got made myself so I'm going to sell them directly through a checkout cart system on my site. Problem is, I don't exactly know how to set up when I figure that out they will be up for sale. It's just a few prints left over from the Dallas Webcomics Expo.

Other than that, not much to report today. So...until Thursday.


Blogger DarkReflections said...

You're not alone, cause Im the same way.

November 24, 2009 at 9:35 PM  

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